
by EwingHD

photo (1)Hello everyone, my name is Hujwiriawan Ewing. What i do best is creating marketing program and/or content marketing that really influencing and convincing people to do, to be and to feel something. For the past 6 years i already making content for my own personal brand. You can check it out on my Youtube channel. I have several tricks on my sleeves to make social media platform work at fullest potential so any company can have a great marketing that will directly impact to great buzz and great sales.

A few things about me that might interest you:
I love exploring new technique about photography and post-editing video, reading a self-development book, cooking an interesting recipe for family and friends, talking about geek stuff and attending webminar or self-learning program like creative podcast, Ted.com, Lynda.com, Udemy.com, or Skillshare.com

I love making professional acquaintance. Reach me out if you want to talk about video project, social media platform, technology, business, and video games.

Email me at mynameisewing@gmail.com

Here is my social media account, feel free to say hello! Facebook Profile, Facebook Fanspage, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.

Thank you, hope to hear from you asap 🙂